INCA Awards 2024
Sponsorship Form

INCA Awards 2024 – Sponsorship Opportunities

For 2024 we again have sponsorship options to provide something for every requirement and budget – any support you are able to provide is greatly appreciated by INCA and our chosen charity which, in 2023, is CRASH – the construction industry charity.

This year we have the following sponsorship packages available:

  1. Full page (A4) advert in award winners brochure (print and digital) £1,660 +vat
  2. Upgrade to full page (A4) advert in winners brochure (print & digital) – from the half page included in Premium Table package: £410 +vat
  3. Half page (A4) advert in award winners brochure (print and digital): £930 +vat
  4. INCA Awards – category sponsorship (included in Premium Table package and subject to availability): £930 +vat
  5. Awards program – full page advert: £340 +vat
  6. Awards program – half page advert: £199 +vat
  7. Charity sponsorship (Crash) – towards small promotional charity gift for all guests: £160 +vat

ALL sponsors will also feature in and benefit from pre and post INCA Awards marketing campaigns, social media promotions and website listings.

Please complete the form below to submit your sponsorship requirements. No payment required at this stage – you will be invoiced by INCA.

INCA Awards 2024 – Sponsorship Form

I would like to support by purchasing the following Sponsorship Package(s):

Please select the sponsorship package you would like to sign up to. NOTE: Payment will not be required at this stage - your company will be invoiced by INCA.
Please select the sponsorship package you would like to sign up to. NOTE: Payment will not be required at this stage - your company will be invoiced by INCA.