INCA Awards 2024
Project Entry Form

INCA Awards 2024 – Enter Your Project

All entries must adhere to the 2024 INCA Awards Criteria. A contractor member can enter a project designed by a non-member system holder. A system designer can enter a project installed by a non-member contractor. However, the following caveat applies; non-member companies will not be mentioned, by name, in the brochure or any other promotional material unless they use the opportunity to join INCA four weeks prior to the awards ceremony taking place.

Please complete the form below to enter your project into the INCA Awards – you can enter in one of two ways:

  1. Fill in the project details directly onto the entry form itself
  2. Put together the full details of the project on a word document and upload it to the form

Note: You will also be required to upload a minimum of 2 images to the entry form. Add the best images you have and include before and afters as appropriate. Make sure they are as good a quality as possible (high res 300dpi at actual size). High end smart phones are good enough.

Provide as much detail as you can – the more info the better your chances of winning! Download our Top Tips Guide To Entering Your Project. If you need any assistance please email:

Deadline for entries Sunday 30th June 2024.

Project Awards Entry Form

INCA Awards - Enter A Project

Enter your project(s) into the 2024 INCA Awards. We've split the form into short sections -
NOTE: You are able to save at any stage and resume later - click the "Save And Resume Later" option at the bottom of the form

Section 1: Entry Contact Information

We will use this to contact you if we have any questions
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please attach a copy of your company logo if possible - .png, .gif, .jpg, .eps.

Section 2: Entry Information

Please indicate the MAIN finish. If you are uncertain which category your entry falls into, INCA will review and allocate accordingly.
Please only tick if you are entering a one off small project of 300sqM or below in size.

Section 3: Project Information - REQUIRED

Project completion date must be between 1st January 2023 and 31st March 2024. They must NOT have been entered previously.
Must be an INCA member
INCA membership optional but non-member installers will not benefit from any form of promotion.

Section 4: Project Information - Optional but Helpful

Please do your best include this information if you are entering a refurbishment project - it will aid the judging process.

Section 5: Full Project Details

Provide us with the details of the project in one of two ways:

METHOD 1: Enter by uploading Project Details on a Word Document

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.

Upload your project details above or type in the details below - whichever is easier for you.
Minimum 400 words - the more information the better your chances!
Please don't forget to upload your project images at the bottom of this form

OR METHOD 2: Fill in your Project Details Below:

AIM: 400 Words Minimum - Include such things as:
The background to the project, details about the system used, the installation, any particular challenges or problems and the end result. Include a few quotes too if you have any.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 8 files.
Please attach a minimum of 2 high quality project images. The more images the better and please include before and after photos where possible and applicable.
NOTE: Please ensure you have rights / permissions to include these as they may be used for promotional purposes and will be published on the INCA website.

Submit Your Entry

Click the "Submit You Entry" button below to complete your entry.
Please note: if you click the "Save and Resume Later" option the content of the form will be saved but any file uploads will not.
Save and Resume Later