In December, INCA was represented at the British Energy Efficiency Federation (BEEF) meeting by Anna Wesson of the Secretariat. Founded in 1996 by the UK Government, BEEF aims to provide a forum for consultation between existing industry associations and the energy sector. It is currently chaired by Andrew Warren from the Association for the Conservation of Energy.
Perhaps of little surprise, the focus of discussion at the meeting was the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy. Presentations were on:
- Residential sector energy efficiency strategy
- The work of the fuel poverty committee
- Business sector energy efficiency strategy
- UK business and the EU:ETS
- Public sector delivery in relation to clean growth
If you would like any further information about the content of the presentations, please do not hesitate to get in touch. The civil servants driving the Clean Growth Strategy are open to representations from organisations such as INCA, and it is a great opportunity for the trade association to impact policy as it is formed.
INCA members will have an interest in how the Clean Growth Strategy is implemented, and the implications it has for external wall insulation. Engaging through BEEF provides an opportunity to understand where current thinking lies, and what is coming downstream. Meeting quarterly, INCA will keep you updated on progress as it develops. In the meantime, contact us with any specific requests, or any questions about the recent work of the Federation.