INCA, the Insulated Render and Cladding Association, is home to a number of steering committees which help guide the direction of the association and support the external wall insulation industry in general.
These committees are made up of volunteer contributors from across the INCA membership as a whole. We would like to thank everyone who gives their time to support the various initiatives – it is much appreciated by INCA and the EWI industry.
Every year each committee examines it’s role and purpose and defines a set of specific objectives for the year whilst making sure they retain an ability to react should any focus need to change during the year for any particular reason. We are now able to share these objectives:
Technical Committee
INCA have always had a very strong and well supported technical committee who meet, in person, 4 times a year. In 2023 – activities are as follows:
- Update as required the EWI Best Practice guide with information on key areas including components, fixings, insulation materials, finishes and their installation and inspection
- Produce Technical Guides on key areas identified as priorities for the industry
- Provide a forum for discussion with any third-party companies that influence the design and technology and funding in relation to EWI to resolve any issues experienced by members (e.g. BEIS, BBA, NHBC etc. etc.)
- Support INCA relationships with stakeholders and strategic partners
- Participate in INCA Cross-Committee Meetings
- Resolve ad-hoc technical issues identified by members if necessary
- Support the Secretariat to respond to technical queries where necessary
The specific 2023 objectives of the groups are as follows:
- Produce the following technical guides:
- EWI Maintenance Guide (new) Q1 – (published 23rd March 2023)
- Fire Performance (update) Q1
- Sealants Guide (new) Q2
- AS Heat Pumps / EWI specification (new) Q2
- Meter boxes best practice (new) Q3
- Best Practice Guide (full update) Q4
- Support the PAS2035 working group throughout the year.
- Support SWIGA and current verge trim trials. Co-ordinate general principal course content with Training Committee.
- Review of current Technical Guides on the INCA website to identify updates required.
Training Committee
Training and the skills shortage is one of the biggest issues the industry is facing right now and the Training Committee are working hard to address this. They are actively supported by key stakeholders including CITB and DESNZ (formally BEIS). The committee (and it’s focussed sub-groups) meet virtually on a regular basis.Activities as follows:
- Support the Secretariat to provide advice and guidance on training-related matters where necessary
- Support regional training initiatives as appropriate
- Maintain accuracy of the online skills matrix (when published)
- Develop dialogue with key stakeholders,
Specific objectives for 2023:
- Develop IfATE Occupational Standards Initiative (Apprenticeship)
- Development of an INCA branded course content (with modules) to roll out to colleges nationally
- Develop and update an online skills matrix mapping out training availability nationally.
- Participate in the BEIS skills energy efficiency group.
- Support ENAble (registered charity) training initiative in Yorkshire
Marketing Committee
The marketing committee choose short, monthly meetings usually hosted on microsoft Teams. They paly an important role in supporting the marketing need of INCA itself and in promoting the EWI industry. Activities include:
- Develop and oversee an annual marketing strategy
- Support the INCA Awards as required by the Secretariat
- Identify and support the development of promotional material to promote INCA, its members, and the benefits of EWI to the industry’s existing and potential clients
- Review INCA website statistics and identify areas for improvement
- Develop and oversee a social media strategy
The 2023 objectives:
- Assist the Secretariat developing the following 2023 promotional campaigns:
- To promote the benefits of using an INCA member
- Ongoing membership campaign
- Industry promotional campaign (including advertorials? EWI video? Industry sector campaigns?)
- Social media advertising campaigns
- Support the Secretariat in the development of website content.
- Develop the social media strategy
- Support as appropriate the activities of other INCA committees
- Support the marketing of any that PR provision required by the Board for industry occurrences which may impact on the reputation of INCA or its members.
- Review / develop INCA CPD for when opportunities arise to present INCA and EWI to a specification audience
- Support annual INCA Awards as appropriate
- Organisation and promotion of events / exhibitions
Scottish Committee
Recognising differences in legislation, needs and market in Scotland this committee is made up from representative of our Scottish membership supported by the Scottish Government and key stakeholders in Scotland – all under the chairmanship of INCAs Derek Gray. Activitoes include:
- Engage with Scottish government to:
- highlight issues unique to the Scottish EWI market
- Identify opportunities that may develop from Scottish government policy
- To advise Scottish Government and influence policy
- Assist in developing a training strategy with training committee only.
- Promote EWI in Scotland
- Provide a networking platform in which companies operating in Scotland can exchange views, knowledge and opportunities to trade
- Maintain communications strategy with the wider Scottish membership
Objectives for 2023 are as follows:
- Understand and influence Scottish Government policy and strategy in relation to EWI
- To address the training and skills shortage and the loss of labour to England
- Promote EWI products and services and the push to net zero
- Educate Scottish Government and Social Landlords regarding the specification and benefits of EWI
- Grow the INCA membership in Scotland
- Resolution of Openreach issues – what is the issue, how can we influence resolution, action to take
- Examine potential for Scottish Best Practice Guide
- Provide Scottish support for verge trim trials
Welsh Committee – New For 2023
As above, the newly formed Welsh Committee has been established to recognise and address any differences in the Welsh EWI market. They already have the ears of the Welsh Government! Activities include:
- Support the Secretariat to provide advice and guidance on training-related matters where necessary
- Support regional training initiatives as appropriate
- Maintain accuracy of the online skills matrix (when published)
- Develop dialogue with key stakeholders,
The 2023 objectives are as follows:
- Understand and influence Welsh Government policy and strategy in relation to EWI
- To address the training and skills shortage
- Promote EWI products and services and the push to net zero
- Educate Welsh Government and Social Landlords regarding the specification and benefits of EWI, and examine potential for INCA framework
- Investigate and influence the Welsh governments strategy to the Re-Cladding crisis
- Grow the INCA membership in Wales
- PI insurance (to be addressed nationally). INCA to examine linking with a PI provider to support membership
Stakeholder Engagement Committee
The Stakeholder Engagement Committee is the INCA authority on funding issues and is responsible for managing relationships with the various top level stakeholder groups.
For clarity a ‘stakeholder’ is a party that has interest in the EWI market and can either affect or be affected by the industry – these include Government departments and offices, regulatory bodies, trade organisations and cross industry lobbying groups amongst others.
The Committee activities include:
- Responsibility for INCA relationships with stakeholder groups and support strategic partner relationships.
- Attendance of all relevant stakeholder meetings on behalf of INCA.
- Participation in all relevant stakeholder workshops/activities.
- Formal responce as INCA to all relevant stakeholder consultations.
- Dissemination of information to INCA members via the Association.
- Supporting the Association to respond to queries where necessary.
- Participation in INCA Cross-Committee Meetings.
The 2023 objectives of this newly formed committee are as follows:
- To ensure that INCA have a voice and are able to actively influence stakeholders on issues relating to the EWI industry – policy, regulations, funding.
- To review and identify stakeholder activities INCA should be involved in throughout the year and allocate representatives accordingly.
- To actively participate in identified activities on behalf of INCA. Refer to Annex 1.
- To report back to the Committee any findings for discussion and dissemination to the membership.
- To participate as INCA in all relevant stakeholder consultations.
Get Involved
Our committees are not a closed shop – they are open to all INCA members and their employees. So, if you feel you could contribute and can spare a little time to actively support any of the above then please get in touch –