This years chosen charity is the British Heart Foundation and throughout 2023 INCA will be doing what we can to raise a little money and awareness for such a worthy cause.

Our fundraising efforts kick off in early May when our own Company Secretary, John Sparrow, accompanied by his dog Scooby will don his walking boots and driving gloves to take on the challenge of climbing the UK’s 3 highest peaks in 3 days … and, if anyone fancies such a “gentle stroll” you’re invited to join him on any of the 3 treks. Alternatively, you may prefer the less strenuous way of supporting by throwing a few pounds at him via our JustGiving page to encourage John on his way!

What you may or may not know is that John himself is a heart attack survivor and is here only thanks to the fast action of our health service, the skills of our surgeons, a daily cocktail of drugs and the work of the British Heart Foundation who helped him make the changes in his lifestyle that were needed and adapt to life after a heart attack.

“I’m delighted that INCA have chosen to support the British Heart Foundation in 2023 because I know how much the work they do can make a difference. It’s not just about the research they fund – it’s about the support they provide and the awareness they raise to help people avoid potential heart attacks and strokes in the first place.”

Get Involved

If anyone fancies joining John on any of the individual climbs the itinerary is below but bear in mind the length of each walk and the ascent … a reasonable level of fitness is required:

Ben Nevis – The Highest Peak in Scotland

Tuesday May 9th: A very early 06:15 (am) start from the Visitor Centre car park in Glen Nevis, Fort William. The climb should take anywhere between 5 and 7 hours depending on fitness levels. We’ll need to set off early because of the 5 hour drive down to Cumbria afterwards. The walk is around 8.5 miles in total and the ascent is 4,413 ft.

Scafell Pike – The Highest Peak in England

Wednesday May10th: A slightly more sensible 08:30 (am) start from the National Trust car park in Wasdale Head, Seascale CA20 1EX. This walk is estimated to take up to 4 hours before a shorter 4 hour drive to North Wales. This walk is around 5.5 miles with an ascent of 3,209 ft.

Snowdon – The Highest Peak in Wales

Thursday 11th May: We finish with another 08:30 (am) start from the Snowdon car park in Llanberis, Caernarfon LL55 4TY. We’re allowing around 5 hours for this one after which it’s home time. The route we will be taking is around 9 miles in total with an ascent of 3,560 ft.

Email if you would like to participate in any of the above and we’ll send you the details.

How You Can Support

As John said above, the work of the British Heart Foundation does not just involve raising money to fund research – it’s all about raising awareness too.

In fact did you know that around 90% of heart disease is avoidable and preventable? This was certainly true in Johns case.

Of course there are certain risk factors that you can’t control, family history of heart disease, your age, ethnic origin and gender but the main cause of heart attacks and strokes are all lifestyle related and therefore totally in your control:

    • smoking
    • diet and weight
    • exercise
    • alcohol
    • recreational drugs
    • other issues, like high blood pressure, stress

Change your lifestyle a little and you can reduce the risk of developing heart disease significantly.

Also – simply keeping an eye on your cholesterol levels and blood pressure can save your life and, these days, it’s so easy to do at home … it doen’t even mean a trip to the doctors so there’s no excuse. Many of the smart watches can even take a medical grade ECG in just 30 seconds. There’s a really nifty test we recommend on the BHF website: What’s Your Heart Age >

We know that times are tough right now but if you are able support with a little sponsorship then please head over to our JustGiving page where you can pledge a donation of any size. Alternatively spend the money on a cholesterol test kit and / or a home blood pressure monitor and make the decision today to focus on your own heart health … it could just save your life.