INCA Case Study: Nestle Factory, West London


Nestle Factory, West London

Project Type: Refurbishment

Building Type: Residential

Architect: DMFK Architects

System Designer: Alsecco

Installer: Stone & Ceramic ltd

System & Finish: 100mm MF, Ecomin 400, Ceramic Slip

U-value Achieved: 0.29 wm2k

Ever wanted to live in a chocolate factory?? As part of the Heritage Led master plan to redevelop the former headquarters of Nestle UK and home of the Milkybar, Alsecco worked with DMFK Architects and developer to ensure the vision of “referencing the industrial history of the facades” was paid homage too.
The original Nestlé Factory was built in the early 1900s and was described as a “brutish example of the work of Wallis Gilbert & Partners”. with its vast facades of 150m x 150m. The factory has always been a prominent landmark in the Hayes area of West London/. At the time it was built to take advantage of the canal and railway transport links and to take into account the comfort of its workers by incorporating a design that maximised daylight and providing gardens and leisure amenities.
Time for a change and dMFK were tasked with designing and delivering the ‘Heritage Cluster’, which included creating around 400 homes from the iconic 1914 Truscon Building on hehalf of Barratt London. This included six buildings involving new build, historic restoration, and façade retention.
Incorporating 100ml HD mineral wool, Alsecco Ecomin 400 ceramic finish was used with a unique commissioned ceramic tile matched to the exiting 1900`s green glazed tile to sit harmoniously within the new façade materials.

The project is part of a 12 ha masterplan in collaboration with Makower Architects and Hawkins Brown and will see a total of 1,400 new homes (25 per cent affordable) alongside 3 ha of new public realm and publicly accessible gardens, 1.5 km of redeveloped canal frontage, new workspace and community facilities.

S Gilbert


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